
Verification Report

Know Your Customers and Verify the identity of your business partners

For companies operating at international level, know business partners is essential to run profitable and safe relationships. It requires the adoption of internal procedures to ascertain and verify the identity of customers, vendors or other economic players, in other words put in place a Know your Customers (KYC) process.






The KYC report is the solution to this need, fulfilling two primary functions:
  • Clarify who really has the ownership of a company, identifying the Beneficial Owner and the Shareholders
  • Protect the brand’s reputation, avoiding relationships with entities with an unclear or unknown company structure.

What you can find in a Verification Report

This report provides data about three Company’s aspects: Identity, Shareholders and Beneficial Owner:
  • Company identity check: answering to the questions: does the company exist? Is it registered on the local public register? What is its current status?
  • Shareholder structure analysis: investigation on any person, company or institution that owns at least one share of a company’s stock.
  • Identification of the local Beneficial Owner: identification of the person or entity who enjoys the benefits of ownership even though title to some form of property is in another name.
  • Graphical representation of Company Structure
The KYC Report is delivered with the most updated information available on the market matching with the high SyMinder standards.
It means that it is available on-line only if the data are giving the guarantee to be updated at the day of the enquiry.