
Full Report and Slim Report

Assess the reliability of your business partners

Full Report

Woldwide available, Full Report offers a complete overview of a company, providing information ranging from its identification and structure to its management and shareholders, activities and related parties.
It represents an important risk evaluation tool, since in every report are always indicated three crucial elements to verify the creditworthiness of a potential business partner: a risk assessment, the credit rating and the credit limit of the business in question







What you can find in a credit report?

The Full Report contains data related to:
  • Identification: data useful to find a company using business registration details, legal form and address.
  • Risk assessment: rating to understand the risk level, combined with the credit limit to get more insights into company vulnerability.
  • Firmographics: industry code, number of employees and all information to classify companies.
  • Financial information: balance sheets and ratios to evaluate financial strength.
  • Negative and significant legal events: crucial to know if information which can affect risk level.
  • Historical data: changes that occurred in the past involving company management.
  • Business management: both current and past senior management.
  • Company structure and relationships: data to build a map of company relationship and ownership.
  • Bank details: name, address, branch of the bank used by the company, if available.  

Full Reports can be available on-line or freshly investigated. 
It means high quality guaranteed information everywhere in the world, from reports instantly generated to ones requiring additional analysis to verify and collect data due to lack in sources organization.
Both processes are based on SkyMinder Business Information Ecosystem, always working with best data existing.

These data are organized in the SkyMinder’s Format, a handy Tabs Structure, making reports Layout globally consistent and simple to read.


Slim Report

The credit report is also available in the Slim format on selected countries, a summary containing only a subset of data with the more significant information on the company’s situation.
Slim Report contains:
  • Risk assessment: current rating to understand the risk level, combined with the credit limit to get more insights into company vulnerability.
  • Firmographics: industry code, number of employees and basic information to classify companies.
  • Financial information: key data to evaluate a company
  • Negative and significant legal events
  • Business management: current senior management.
  • Slim Report can be available on-line for countries where data availability and updating is high or off-line for countries with an high data friction
  • These data are organized in the SkyMinder’s Format


Combined to Full Report and Slim Report, there are Monitoring Solutions to understand changes that could affect a business partner.