Risk Management - Articles

An Overview on Japanese economy

Japan has a strategic location in northeast Asia and is composed of four main islands and more than 6000 smaller islands and islets. The economy of Japan is the third largest in the world after the United States and the People's Republic of China.

Over the past 70 years, government-industry collaboration, a firm work ethic, high technology proficiency, and a relatively small defense apportionment (slightly less than 1% of GDP) have strongly boosted the economy of Japan making it one of the most developed of the world. Japan has a mixed economy based on capitalism. But its government works closely with industry. And its central bank works closely with the government. Japan is also one the biggest importer and exporter at global level.

In order to establish profitable and steady business relationships with Japanese companies it is very important to know the local context and to make use of the best local business information sources.

Thanks to SkyMinder, it is possible to obtain the most reliable and complete credit reports on all Japanese business entities compiled by the most expert local sources.