Focus on ... Newsletter

December 2018






GDP highly increased in 2017, driven by foreign trade, even if private consumption remains weak.  In order to avoid a decrease of private consumption, Japanese Government decided to postpone until October 2019 the next VAT increase from 8% to 10%. Labour market is very strong and an unemployment rate at 2.8% in April 2018, the lowest level from 1994. Wages and productivity are stable due to rigid permanent contracts and growing number of temporary workers. 2017 saw a widening fiscal deficit due to on going policy stimulus, rebuilding of infrastructure after a series of natural disaster and constructions linked to Olympic Games. Yen remained weak against the dollar, boosting exports in 2017. High demand from developed markets, stabilization of the Chinese economy and improvement in global commodity prices, have pushed the increase in exports since the part part of 2016. But this trend is not expected to continue due to slowing demand from Japan's main commercial partners like China, United States and Eurozone countries and commodity prices decrease. The trade balance is expected to remain in surplus and services will continue to increase thanks to rise of tourism from China.

Source: COFACE





Top export destinations:                                 Top import origins are:

1) USA 19%                                                       1) China 26%

2) China 17%                                                     2) USA 11%

3) South Korea 6,7%                                          3) South Korea 4,1%

4) Hong Kong 4,8%                                            4) Germany 3,7%

5) Germany 3,3%                                               5) Thailand 3,5%







SkyMinder is the worldwide CRIF platform helping you to take decisions based on high quality information. If you are required to evaluate a business partner in Japan or in country dealing with Japanese companies, a customer or a supplier, during a risk evaluation process or for compliance requirements or a cyber risk assessment, SkyMinder is the right solutions.

Credit Reports: reports with information related to all Japanes companies, including firmographics, credit limit, risk indicator, management, shareholders, negative events etc.

Planned revision services: possibility to plan in advance full revision of Credit Report and understand if scenario is stable or something changed.

Compliance Reports: reports with different level of details useful for compliance purposes, from shareholders identification to Anti Bribery and Money Laundering lists checks KYND Cyber Risk Report: analizes up two web sites to a company assessing the level of cyber risk  

With SkyMinder you can easily access to the most valuable information from the highest quality local providers in a global layout. Our strengths are: worldwide data availability, attention to market needs, focusing on strategic and helpful information, country specificity with observance of specific rules in terms of data availability; risk level and credit limit always available.


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