Analysis and Studies - Country Analysis

Bermuda: a look at the market


In 2022, Bermuda ranked as the 199th largest economy in the world based on total exports, and the 173rd largest based on total imports.


Bermuda's top exports include Mixed Mineral or Chemical Fertilizers ($15.9M), Recreational Boats ($5.9M), Hard Liquor ($5.38M), Nitrogenous Fertilizers ($4.12M), and Vaccines, blood, antisera, toxins, and cultures ($2.76M). The main destinations for these exports are Zambia ($17.5M), the United States ($11.1M), Angola ($7.13M), France ($6.99M), and Tanzania ($5.76M).


Bermuda's top imports consist of Passenger and Cargo Ships ($605M), Refined Petroleum ($129M), Special Purpose Ships ($65.4M), Railway Cargo Containers ($62.8M), and Packaged Medicaments ($29.8M).The largest sources of these imports are the United States ($555M), Norway ($310M), South Korea ($302M), China ($85.3M), and Canada ($77.2M).

Most Specialized Products by RCA Index

Bermuda exhibits significant specialization in Video Cameras (254), Collector's Items (161), Mixed Mineral or Chemical Fertilizers (123), Recreational Boats (123), and Railway Cargo Containers (74.6). This level of specialization is measured using the RCA index, which compares Bermuda's actual exports to the expected exports for each product.

Data sourced from BACI HS6 REV. 1992 (1995 - 2022).
