Analysis and Studies - Products analysis

Top Importers and Exporters of Plastic Lids

Plastic Lids are the world's 61st most traded product, with a total trade of $55B. Trade in Plastic Lids represents 0.3% of total world trade.

Top exporters of Plastic Lids are China ($9.6B), Germany ($5.33B), United States ($3.97B), France ($2.49B), and Italy ($2.03B).

Top Importers of Plastic Lids are United States ($8.62B), Germany ($4.38B), France ($3.12B), Japan ($2.56B), and United Kingdom ($2.54B).

Moreover, in 2018 the average tariff for Plastic Lids was 11.5%, been the 345 lowest tariff (according to the HS4 product classification).

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