Risk Management - Articles
An overview on India’s economy and business environment
April 18th 2019
India is the seventh largest country of the world and the second most populous with over 1.30 billion people. Half of the Indian workforce is employed in the agricultural sector, however it is the Services sector – employing approx. one third of the Indian workforce- that is giving the highest contribution to the Indian GDP, followed by the Industrial sector.
Thanks to this dynamic business environment more and more companies worldwide are interested in getting in depth information on Indian companies. India offers a high level of transparency with regard to information on large and medium companies, but only the most expert local business information providers have the skills and the tools to collect reliable information on small companies.
CRIF Solutions PVT Ltd, leading provider of Indian business information, can provide high quality and in depth Credit Reports on any Indian company through SkyMinder. Thanks also to the Due Diligence Filed Visits, CRIF Solutions is able to produce valuable reports on very small companies too.
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