International Days

April 11th 2022: National Day of the Sea in Italy

Today in Italy sea is celebrated as cultural, scientific and economic resource with the aim to preserve as crucial good.

Italy owns more than 8.300 km of sea coast, 29 protected sea area, 2 underwater parks and the International Marine Mammal Sanctuary. 19.2% of Italian Territorial Sea is covered by protected areas with the aim to limit human activities like fishing or touring allowing fish to reproduce and preserve biodiversity of the biggest ecosystem in the world.

Economy activities linked to sea currently represent 3,0% of the overall Italian economy in value. 3,4% in number and 3,5% of total employees. Connected  industries are hospitality, fishing, sports, shipyards, sea transportations, research related to environmental protection, marine extraction.

9,3% of the companies are ruled by your people and 21,4% by women.

Source: Unioncamere