International Days

International Day of Friendship

Friends have a fundamental role in both physical and mental health, at all stages of life. By playing with peers, children learn the basics of the social interaction, while for the adolescents searching for identity, friends represent a safe place to express themselves and offer emotional support; as adults, friends become fewer but more meaningful, and they are even more important for older people, who may experience loneliness. 

However, friendship is important not only on an individual level, but also on a global one.

In 2011 the United Nations General Assembly has designated July 30th as the International Day of Friendship (even though it is not celebrated on this date everywhere), recalling the goals and objectives of the Declaration and Programme of Actions on a Culture of Peace and the International Decade for a Culture of Peace and Non-Violence for the Children of the World.

However, the origins go back to 1958, when Dr Ramón Artemio Bracho organized the World Friendship Crusade in Paraguay, in order to support the power of friendship in creating a culture of peace.

On this day the key role of friendship in inspiring peace efforts and encouraging dialogue, solidarity and mutual understanding is recognized. This noble sentiment can represent an opportunity to honor and respect cultural diversity, by involving youth in community activities to promote international understanding.

Friendship is characterized by empathy, genuine affection and mutual support, and is based on acceptance, respect, trust: it’s a bond that lets people be their true selves. In ancient Greek the word “Philia” was used to designate the deep and affectionate love, such as a brotherly love, that arises in friendships. Aristotele considered it one of the highest forms of love and classified it in the category of friendship of virtue: it offers a stable and enriching relationship that supports personal and moral development.

Even though the date changes in some countries, the way of celebrating is similar: people meet each other to eat together, exchange gifts, send greetings or reach out to some old friends.
