Focus on ... Newsletter

July 2019





Even if in 2019 growth will slightly down, remains very robust, thanks to export. Is expected a support in consumptions due to increase in public employment, minimum wage and social spending. Inflation is expected to be 2%, as targeted by Central Bank. Due to trade war US-China, Chinese demand for South Korean product will decrease a little in the semiconductors, the highest value export industry. Rising of labor costs could represents a threat if productivity doesn’t increase. Labor market is showing low female participation and relatively high unemployment rate around 10%. Corporate taxes remains highest in the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) at 30% but public debit is lower than OECD average. Strengths in Korean economy are related to an industrial base diversified, a leadership in electronics, a very successful education system, high public spending and at the same time investments all around Asia. On the opposite side, weaknesses are related to an increased competition with China in mainly in steel, shipbuilding and textiles, commodity import, high level of household debts, ageing population with high unemployment youth rate, despite very good educational system, relationship with North Korea unpredictable.

Source: COFACE





Top export destinations:                                 Top import origins are:

1) China 25%                                                    1) China 21%

2) US 12%                                                        2) Japan11%

3) Vietnam 8%                                                 3) US 10%%

4) Hong Kong 5.8%                                            4) Germany 4.2%

5) Japan 4.5%                                                  5) Other Asia 3.8%    







SkyMinder is the worldwide CRIF platform helping you to take decisions based on high quality information. If you are required to evaluate a business partner in South Korea or in country dealing with companies in South Korea, a customer or a supplier, during a risk evaluation process or for compliance requirements or a cyber risk assessment, SkyMinder is the right solutions.

Credit Reports: reports with information related to all companies in South Korea, including firmographics, credit limit, risk indicator, management, shareholders, negative events etc. Credit Reports are available in Slim format too.

Planned revision services: possibility to plan in advance full revision of Credit Report and understand if scenario is stable or something changed.

Compliance Reports: reports with different level of details useful for compliance purposes, from shareholders identification (KYC and KYS) to Anti Bribery and Money Laundering lists checks.

KYND Cyber Risk Report: analizes up two web sites to a company assessing the level of cyber risk.  

With SkyMinder you can easily access to the most valuable information from the highest quality local providers in a global layout. Our strengths are: worldwide data availability, attention to market needs, focusing on strategic and helpful information, country specificity with observance of specific rules in terms of data availability; risk level and credit limit always available.


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