Analysis and Studies - Products analysis

Tea: a look a the market

Tea is fundamental in many cultures around the world. One of the world’s favorite commodities holds centuries of history. Indeed, tea has been around in China since about 2700 BCE. Early in the seventeenth century, Europeans became aware of tea as one of several herbal medicines used in Asia that had a potential market in Europe. In the course of the seventeenth century, the practice of drinking tea came to Europe via two different routes: by land from China and Persia through Russia into eastern Europe, and by sea around the Cape of Good Hope thanks to the Dutch and British East India Companies. Teas are divided into categories based on their countries of origin, such as Chinese, Ceylon, Japanese, Indonesian, and African teas and others. More, it is also categorized according to the size of the processed leaf.


Tea represents 0.046% of total world trade, with a value of $7.7 billion in 2020. Between 2019 and 2020 the export of the product decreased by -2.96%. In 2020. the top exporters were China ($1.75 billion), Sri Lanka ($1.27 billion), Kenya ($1.2 billion), India ($703 million), and United Arab Emirates ($310 million). Pakistan ($646 million), the United States ($473 million), Russia ($413 million), the United Kingdom ($330 million), and Hong Kong ($312 million) were the top importers.


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