Analysis and Studies - Studies
CRIF Study on Start up and cancellations of companies in Switzerland
January 9th 2020
In 2019 founded 44.616 new companies, with 3.3% increase versus 2018. On the other side, cancelled companies were 12.7% versus 2018. Net growth reported is a decrease of 14%.
CRIF AG analyzed number of companies created in 2019 and number of companies cancelled in the same period. In the considered year, in Switzerland opened 44.616 new business with a 3.3% increase compared to previous year. During the same period, 31.265 Commercial Registry reported 31.265 cancelled companies, with an increase of 12.7% compared to 2018.
Increase in cancelled companies affected also net growth of the companies. Even if in 2018 less new companies were registered compared to 2019, net growth was of 15.450 firms. Instead, on 2019 net growth was of 13.351 units, with a 13.5% decrease.
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