Analysis and Studies - Products analysis

Automatic data processing machines and units Top Importer United States

Automatic data processing machines and units, are the world's 48th most traded product, with a total trade of $44.9B.

It represent 0.24% of total world trade, ranked 48th out of 4726.

Exports: China ($14.9B), United States ($4.92B), Poland ($3.77B), Malaysia ($3.09B), and Germany ($2.43B).

Imports: United States ($6.92B - 15%), Hong Kong ($4.48B - 10%), Netherlands ($3.96B - 9%), Germany ($3.47B - 8%), and United Kingdom ($2.36B - 5%).

Ranking: Automatic data processing machines and units, nes ranks 589th in the Product Complexity Index (PCI).

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